Boosting Your Online Word-of-Mouth Marketing

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By on Aug 04, 2014

Online Marketing
Online Marketing


Online marketing presents you with a unique opportunity to create a bigger buzz than you can do with traditional marketing. This is particularly true for word-of-mouth marketing.

Word-of-mouth marketing is defined as a type of marketing that promotes something by compelling independent people to promote the product, service, or idea to friends. The goal is to create a buzz for the subject matter. When creating the buzz, the desire is to create enough word-of-mouth momentum to cause the idea to spread quickly. Without people, the momentum can’t happen. If you get it right, your entire product can become a raging success without spending any (or very little) money on marketing.

Establishing goals for your word-of-mouth marketing campaign

The first thing you need to do before starting a word of mouth campaign is to have a goal. Once your goal is clear enough, it will be far easier to keep track of your results. After all, without a clear direction, you won’t know how far you need to go or what you are reaching for in the first place.

Here are a few reasons why you might want to create a word-of-mouth marketing campaign:

Ways to boost your word of mouth with your website

One of the biggest reasons people don’t buy what you are selling is lack of trust. Your product or service can be astounding, but if prospects don’t trust you, they won’t buy. A word-of-mouth referral comes with a higher degree of trust than other advertising methods. The more trust your prospect has in you, the easier it is to sell him or her your offerings.  So why not invest in your word-of-mouth advertising? Why not make it easier for people to refer you? Well, this is where your website comes in.

The following are few ways to use your website to boost your word-of-mouth marketing:

Why you need testimonials to sell more

For many reasons, testimonials give your prospects the confidence they need to buy from you for the first time. Once your prospects turn into new customers, the door to repeat sales is wide open. Here are few good reasons why testimonials help you sell more of anything:

Word of mouth through viral marketing

Word-of-mouth advertising creates an awareness campaign where your business information travels from person to person, creating intense awareness. For a new business startup, word-of-mouth marketing is often the best and most effective advertising method.

Word-of-mouth advertising has stood the test of time and is effective for every business. There are simple, affordable methods for starting a viral marketing campaign that will spread like wildfire. By putting into place some or all of the ideas mentioned above, you can create a world of advertising for your business.

A traditional way to pursue viral marketing online is to offer a free eBook. The eBook will detail your thoughts on some subject matter, such as marketing. A person makes the book available for downloading and also allows people to send it to others. If you are offering something of quality, the book should spread quickly to thousands and thousands of people.

The ultimate goal is to promote it over and over until hundreds of thousands of people have read it. At that point, you write another eBook, which you sell for $3 to $5. If people liked the first book, they will buy the second book. If 100,000 read the first one and only 10 percent buy the second one, you will have 10,000 sales. This strategy has been used over and over again by many authors.


The word of mouth approach is definitely a hit-and-miss strategy. The large online communities make it a viable strategy, but there are a lot of people trying to do it. If you fail 50 times, but succeed once, life will be very good. That alone is worth it!

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Tags: Internet Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Online Marketing, online marketing strategy, Word-of-Mouth